Who is this Einstein’s Teacher?

An Einstein's Teacher is the mentor inside of us with the sole purpose of fostering the highest level of human achievement. She believes in each learner's potential and in the outcome before it happens.

An Einstein's Teacher lightens up the intrinsic motivation students need to pursue their dreams. He looks into the learner's eyes and says: "I believe in you." He understands students are not perfect and asks himself, "perfect by what standards, anyway?"

An Einstein's Teacher sees the possibilities in her mind, dares to act, and lets the learning experience speak for itself. She understands that giving meaning to learners' journey is more important than the destination.

An Einstein's Teacher believes in students' capacity to innovate, regardless of their age. He erased the word "impossible" from his dictionary a while ago. He believes students can do, be, and have anything they desire because learners are unstoppable when they find their intrinsic motivation.

An Einstein's Teacher is deliberately in control of her calling because she knows what to do and no longer guesses how students learn. She focuses on the progress of the learning process instead of only products.

An Einstein's Teacher uses schooling as the perfect moment to prepare students for life. Learners can make mistakes, recognize them, and learn from them because Einstein's Teacher is always there to cheer them up and coach them through their next try.

An Einstein's Teacher is always humble to learn. He is not a victim of the lack of resources. He ignores his school's location and focuses on his students' potential. He foresees the result of his work translated into a better world for us to live in.

An Einstein's Teacher understands learners are in her classroom today because they meant to be there. She embraces the task and privilege to develop their human potential today.

The Einstein's Teacher is an attitude you choose to live by. It is how you fulfill your calling. It is your educator alter ego that ignores doubts, fears, excuses, and every other reason that voice whispers in your head. So, give yourself the permission to embrace this attitude and become an Einstein's Teacher.  

Learn how to do it in my book Becoming Einstein’s Teacher: Awakening the Genius in Your Students. Available worldwide at your favorite bookstore.


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